Site icon Daikin Air Conditioning Perth by Airpro Air Conditioning

Clean your Daikin Split System Air Conditioner

5 minutes to clean your split system air conditioner!

For Optimal performance you should be cleaning your split system air conditioner at least every 2-3 months, in summer every month!

5 Easy Steps!

  1. Turn off your power at the switch board – Make sure that power is isolated to your air conditioner and look for the switch label “aircon”. If you are unsure, have multiple air conditioners or don’t turn off then PLEASE do not continue.
  2. Using a ladder open the front face of your air conditioner – There will be a small tab sticking out on each side near the bottom of the flap. Pull these gently out and the face should open upwards.
  3. Next carefully slide the air conditioning filter down towards the ground. Take note of the “tracks” the filter is sitting in. Also which side is the front of the filter and bottom. It can be difficult to get the filter back in if you have it upside down! 
  4. With the filter now removed, wash carefully. Make sure you let the filter dry properly before putting back. It is not recommended to reinstall wet but if you must make sure you run the aircon for several hours to assit with drying the filter otherwise you may get moisture and bad smell if left for several days.

Don’t have time to clean your filters at your home or office? Then contact Airpro and we can do it for you for less than you think!


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